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Is there any risk during MRI scan

You will notice once the scan begins it is very loud; this noise is created due to the magnetic fields. We will provide you with earplugs and ensure these are fitted correctly before starting the scan. If your scan is particularly lengthy you may start...

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What will happen to you during MRI scan

The MRI scan is very noisy, the length of the scan will vary depending on the area of the body to be examined; times can range from 20 minutes to two hours.  You will be asked to lie on a couch and keep as still...

Preparing for your MRI scan

Before your scan the radiographer may ask you to change into a hospital gown, where necessary. Please feel free to bring your own dressing gown or metal-free clothing with you. You will be asked to place your belongings in a secure locker, no metallic items...

What is the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans with the use a strong magnetic field to give detailed cross-sectional images of soft tissue, muscle, nerves and blood vessels. MRI is commonly used at NHNN to diagnose many diseases and injuries including stroke and intracranial bleeds, neuro-oncology, dementia, cognitive...

Make an appointment online to scan your knee

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget][siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]London Knee ClinicLondon Knee Clinic provides a comprehensive diagnostic service for problems involving the knees. Initial consultations are carried out by our Consultant Knee Specialist who works in association with a team of other clinicians including sports injury therapists, physiotherapists, nursing staff and...

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Pancoast Tumor – Symptoms and Treatment

What is Pancoast Tumor? It is a type of lung cancer found in less than 5% of total lung cancer cases. While most cancers develop lower down in the lungs, Pancoast tumors grow at the top of either lung. Due to this positioning they enter adjoining...

prostate scan
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis with MRI

A recent research study has shown that MRI scans have been the most useful way of identifying Prostate cancer in men. The study also identified that this eliminates the method of doing a biopsy which has several side-effects. The study has also caught the attention...

MRI upright
When is an Upright MRI Scan more appropriate?

You can get the MRI scan done in the position in which you feel painEasier for the machine and the radiologist to see the cause of the pain in different positions. .The scanners are non-claustrophobic and very large to make you feel comfortable.You can watch TV...