25 May Why is booking a scan with us faster and more convenient than booking a scan with scan.com ? Posted at 12:11h in private mri scan near me, Public Health, MRI Scan, CT Scan, imaging, You often Ask by Secure Scanners 0 Likes "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 3 33% Please select the type of scan*Please completeMRI scanCT scanDexa ScanUltrasound scanOtherPlease select the location for your MRI scan*Please completeLondon CentralSouthern LondonNorthern LondonHarley Street LondonCanary Wharf, LondonLutonOrpingtonMilton KeynesSurrey, ByfleetBirminghamShaw Heath, Stockport, ManchesterKing Street, ManchesterLiverpoolLeedsColchester, EssexSpalding, LincolnshireNottinghamSleaford, LincolnshireSt Helens, LiverpoolWarringtonLouth, LincolnshireNewton-Le-Willows, MerseysideOulton, Leeds, West YorkshirePenrith, CumbriaPreston, LancashireRochdaleAshton Under-LyneBolton, Greater ManchesterBridgwater, SomersetBlackpoolBlackburnWythenshawe, ManchesterAshtonCroftonPlease select the location for your CT scan*Please completeCanary Wharf, LondonLiverpoolLondonManchesterMarylebone, LondonNewton-Le-Willows, MerseysideOrpington, KentPlease select the location for your Dexa scan*Please completeMANCHESTERCHESHIREPETERBOROUGHESSEXPlease select the location for your Ultrasound scan*Please completeLondon CentralNorthern LondonHarley Street LondonCanary Wharf, LondonLutonOrpingtonMilton KeynesSurrey, ByfleetShaw Heath, Stockport, ManchesterKing Street, ManchesterLiverpoolSt Helens, LiverpoolNewton-Le-Willows, MerseysideMANCHESTERCHESHIREBIRMINGHAMNOTTINGHAMPETERBOROUGHESSEXYou choose "Other"Please describe your condition and what scan do you need we provide for you.You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan Full body You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan Five Part MRI scan Full body scan You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One part MRI scan Two part MRI scan Three part MRI scan Brain and body MRI scan You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan US USGI XRAY You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan MRI 5 Parts MRI 6 Parts MRI Contrast MRI Prostate MRI Arthogram MR Angiography (1 part) MRI Liver MRI Renal MRI Gynae / Pelvic MRI Enteroclysis (Small Bowel) MRI – Full Body You have selected a MRI scan in Canary Wharf. How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan MRI 5 Parts MRI 6 Parts MRI Contrast MRI Prostate MRI Arthogram MR Angiography (1 part) MRI Liver MRI Renal MRI Gynae / Pelvic MRI Enteroclysis (Small Bowel) MRI – Full Body ECG Echocardiogram 24 Hr ECG/Holter Monitor Reported 72 hr ECG/Holter Monitor 24 HR B/P + REPORT Exercise Stress ECG You have selected a MRI scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* One Part MRI scan Two Part MRI scan Three Part MRI scan Four Part MRI scan MRI Full body You have selected a Ultrasound scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Ultrasound 1 part Ultrasound 2 part Ultrasound 3 part You have selected a Ultrasound scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Ultrasound 1 part Ultrasound 2 part Ultrasound 3 part USGI XRAY You have selected a Ultrasound scan . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Ultrasound 1 part Ultrasound breast Full abdominal (Pelvis and Upper abdominal combined) Upper abdominal Female Pelvic scan Scrotal scan Liver scan Pregnancy Viability scan With gynaecologist Pregnancy Dating scan With gynaecologist Pregnancy Pelvic scan With gynaecologist You have selected a Ultrasound scan in Cannary Warf London . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Ultrasound Abdomen Ultrasound Pelvis Ultrasound Abdomen Including Pelvis Ultrasound Aorta Ultrasound MSK 1 PART Ultrasound MSK 2 PARTS Ultrasound Testes Ultrasound Thyroid Ultrasound Neck Ultrasound Transvaginal Ultrasound Soft Tissue / Tendon Ultrasound Breast (Bilateral) Ultrasound Chest Ultrasound Doppler Abdomen Ultrasound Doppler Penile Ultrasound Doppler Aorta (Including Duplex) Ultrasound Vascular & dopplcr Ultrasound 2 Parts Vascular & Doppler Ultrasound Flow Rate Ultrasound Obstetrics Ultrasound DVT One LEG Ultrasound DVT Two LEG Stress Echocardiogram + Report Ultrasound Guided Biopsy Ultrasound Guided FNA Ultrasound Guided Injection Ultrasound Guided Injection 2 Parts Ultrasound Echocardiogram Blood Injection (PRP) Ultrasound Transrectal Early Pregnancy Scan You have selected a Ultrasound scan in Orpington, Kent. How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Ultrasound Abdomen Ultrasound Pelvis Ultrasound Abdomen Including Pelvis Ultrasound Aorta Ultrasound MSK 1 PART Ultrasound MSK 2 PARTS Ultrasound Testes Ultrasound Thyroid Ultrasound Neck Ultrasound Transvaginal Ultrasound Soft Tissue / Tendon Ultrasound Breast (Bilateral) Ultrasound Chest Ultrasound Doppler Abdomen Ultrasound Doppler Penile Ultrasound Doppler Aorta (Including Duplex) Ultrasound Vascular & dopplcr Ultrasound 2 Parts Vascular & Doppler Ultrasound Flow Rate Ultrasound Obstetrics Ultrasound DVT One LEG Ultrasound DVT Two LEG Stress Echocardiogram + Report Ultrasound Guided Biopsy Ultrasound Guided FNA Ultrasound Guided Injection Ultrasound Guided Injection 2 Parts Ultrasound Echocardiogram Blood Injection (PRP) Ultrasound Transrectal Early Pregnancy Scan You have selected a Ultrasound scan. How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* US Abdomen US Pelvis US Limb or Joint US Male Genitalia US Soft tissue / tendon (Excluding Head and Neck) US Muscular-skeletal - 1 part US Muscular-skeletal - 2 parts Ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis Ultrasound of pelvis including transvaginal US Muscular-skeletal - 3 part US Muscular-skeletal - 4 part NON-OBSTETRIC ULTRASOUND SCAN (NOUS) DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) You have selected a CT scan in Cannary Warf London . How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* CT 1 Part CT 2 Parts CT 3 Parts CT 4 Parts CT Contrast CT Angiogram CTCA (including calcium scoring) CT Arthrogram CT Colonography CT Cervical Epidural CT Facet Injection into 2 Joints CT Calcium Scoring CT Urogram You have selected a CT scan in Orpington, Kent.How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* CT 1 Part CT 2 Parts CT 3 Parts CT 4 Parts CT Contrast CT Angiogram CTCA (including calcium scoring) CT Arthrogram CT Colonography CT Cervical Epidural CT Facet Injection into 2 Joints CT Calcium Scoring CT Urogram Located on London orbital south east. You have selected a CT scan.How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* CT 1 Part CT 2 Parts CT 3 Parts CT Contrast CT Virtual Colonoscopy CT Calcium Score Cardiac - Heart scan You have selected a DEXA scan.How many areas of the body do you need scanned?* Bone Density Hip & Spine (Limbs) Bone Density Hip & Spine & Wrist Name* First Last Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)* Mobile number*Email* Please enter a valid UK mobile phone number. Address* Street address City Post code Do you have a GP referral letter for the above scan?* Yes No - please provide this for me In the UK, a GP referral letter is needed for a CT (Computed Tomography) or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan . Overall, the GP referral letter is a crucial document that ensures efficient and appropriate use of CT and MRI scans, while also providing necessary information to guide the radiologist or specialist in conducting the scan.booking option* Book me ASAP - I’d like to pay now Help me with my booking – I’ll pay later Book a scan - Pay in 3 monthly payments with 0% interest HiddenTime Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM HiddenUsers IP Thank you. You can pay here for your appointmentTotal Payment Method*PayPal CheckoutCredit Card American ExpressDiscoverMasterCardVisaMaestroSupported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Maestro Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Pay in 3 interest-free payments - Checkout will be at the end of the next pageCredit Card*Card Details Cardholder Name Thank you. Please provide some additional information, so our medical team can provide a referral for your scan:Thank you for your payment. Please provide some additional information, and upload your referral letter:GP name / Doctor's name Surgery name Legal guardian Mobile numberGender*FemaleMaleHeight/units Weight/units First body area*AbdomenBrain/HeadBreasts (Both)Calf-LeftCalf-RightChest - CT scanCoccyxAnkle-LeftAnkle-RightElbow-LeftElbow-RightFacial BonesFemur-LeftFemur-RightFoot-LeftFoot-RightForearm-LeftForearm-RightGroinHand-LeftHand-RightHip-LeftHip-RightIAMs (Both)Knee-LeftKnee-RightLower Back (Lumbar Spine)Middle Back (Thoracic Spine)Neck (Cervical Spine)OrbitsPelvis for organsPelvis musculoskeletalPituitaryProstateProstate MultiparametricSacroiliac JointsScrotumShoulder-LeftShoulder-RightSinusSternoclavicular JointThigh-LeftThigh-RightTMJ-LeftTMJ-RightUpper Arm-LeftUpper Arm-RightWhole body scan - LondonWrist-LeftWrist-RightHow long have you been complaining of symptoms in first body area?*less than 1 month1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 months or more(period)What symptoms do you have in the first body area?* Difficulty in moving Dull ache Feeling generally unwell Headache Limitation of movement Limping Numbness Pain - sharp Pins and Needles Stiffness Swelling Weakness None of them Please provide more details about your selected body area scan:*Second body area scanAbdomenBrain/HeadBreasts (Both)Calf-LeftCalf-RightChest - CT scanCoccyxAnkle-LeftAnkle-RightElbow-LeftElbow-RightFacial BonesFemur-LeftFemur-RightFoot-LeftFoot-RightForearm-LeftForearm-RightGroinHand-LeftHand-RightHip-LeftHip-RightIAMs (Both)Knee-LeftKnee-RightLower Back (Lumbar Spine)Middle Back (Thoracic Spine)Neck (Cervical Spine)OrbitsPelvis for organsPelvis musculoskeletalPituitaryProstateProstate MultiparametricSacroiliac JointsScrotumShoulder-LeftShoulder-RightSinusSternoclavicular JointThigh-LeftThigh-RightTMJ-LeftTMJ-RightUpper Arm-LeftUpper Arm-RightWhole body scan - LondonWrist-LeftWrist-RightSecond body area symptoms How long have you been complaining of symptoms in second body area?less than 1 month1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 months or more(period)Third part body area scanAbdomenBrain/HeadBreasts (Both)Calf-LeftCalf-RightChest - CT scanCoccyxAnkle-LeftAnkle-RightElbow-LeftElbow-RightFacial BonesFemur-LeftFemur-RightFoot-LeftFoot-RightForearm-LeftForearm-RightGroinHand-LeftHand-RightHip-LeftHip-RightIAMs (Both)Knee-LeftKnee-RightLower Back (Lumbar Spine)Middle Back (Thoracic Spine)Neck (Cervical Spine)OrbitsPelvis for organsPelvis musculoskeletalPituitaryProstateProstate MultiparametricSacroiliac JointsScrotumShoulder-LeftShoulder-RightSinusSternoclavicular JointThigh-LeftThigh-RightTMJ-LeftTMJ-RightUpper Arm-LeftUpper Arm-RightWhole body scan - LondonWrist-LeftWrist-RightThird body area symptoms How long have you been complaining of symptoms in third body area?less than 1 month1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 months or more(period)Fourth part body area scanFull body scanAbdomenBrain/HeadBreasts (Both)Calf-LeftCalf-RightCoccyxAnkle-LeftAnkle-RightElbow-LeftElbow-RightFacial BonesFemur-LeftFemur-RightFoot-LeftFoot-RightForearm-LeftForearm-RightGroinHand-LeftHand-RightHip-LeftHip-RightIAMs (Both)Knee-LeftKnee-RightLower Back (Lumbar Spine)Middle Back (Thoracic Spine)Neck (Cervical Spine)OrbitsPelvis for organsPelvis musculoskeletalPituitaryProstateProstate MultiparametricSacroiliac JointsScrotumShoulder-LeftShoulder-RightSinusSternoclavicular JointThigh-LeftThigh-RightTMJ-LeftTMJ-RightUpper Arm-LeftUpper Arm-RightWhole body scan - LondonWrist-LeftWrist-RightFourth part body area symptoms How long have you been complaining of symptoms in fourth body area?less than 1 month1 - 3 months3 - 6 months6 months or more(period)Please provide more details Referral letterSurgery/Clinic name Surgery/Clinic phone if availablePlease upload here the referral letter file* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 100 MB. Please note the referral letter should: be issued by a registered GP, Doctor, Consultant, Specialist, Physiotherapist or Osteopath; contain the patient’s full name and date of birth; specify the indications or symptoms, the type of scan requested and the body area(s) to be scanned; be signed and show the GMC or other registered number of the referring party. Other medical informationPlease answer the questions below:* Have you had any surgery in the last 8 weeks? Do you have a cardiac pacemaker? Do you have any metal implants or prostheses? Do you have any metal fragments in the eye? Are you pregnant? Are you breast feeding? Do you suffer from claustrophobia? Do you have an aneurism clip? None of them Do you have any of the following:* Allergies Asthma Depression Diabetes Epilepsy Heart disease High blood pressure Do you have a cochlear implant or neurotransmitter? Do you have a programmable ventriculoperitoneal shunt? Do you have kidney/renal impairment? None of them Have you seen a GP or Consultant regarding this problem? Yes No Please provide detailsAre you in good general health?* Yes No Please provide detailsHave you had any injuries or accidents?* Yes No Please provide detailsHave you had any operations or scans?* Yes No Please provide detailsAre you taking any medication or tablets?* Yes No Please provide detailsOther relevant details or family history:Do you have any comments or special requests?CAPTCHABy submitting this form* I agree to Secure Scanners Terms & Conditions. I also consent to my symptoms and medical history being reviewed by the medical team who may contact me for further details and will recommend an appropriate scan or test. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Tags: scan.com booking, scan.com, scan.com review